Saturday, January 7, 2012

Making good choices...

So this is the problem with all of my "diets".  I make an honest attempt to make good choices, but if anyone has a spouse that's thin and a child in the house then you know there is going to be food in the house that is tempting. I can buy 100.00 worth of healthy groceries, all things that I can eat and open a cabinet and see chips, cookies, cupcakes and more and want them. I have come to understand that it is part of life and is going to be a part of mine for a long time. I have really really struggled with this over the years and felt that it just wasn't fair and had a pity party for myself. Why do I have to be fat and have to eat diet food while they get to eat whatever they want? When I was my single self there was only food in my house that I could eat. But it's not fair for Ron and Ronan to not enjoy their sweets and treats too because I'm trying to lose weight. I turned to weight watchers so many times because of this. I wanted to eat "normal". In other words I wanted my junk too, but I had to be accountable for it, which I never was because I never kept track of my points. Did you know a piece of cake is 12 points? I could easily eat 2 slices and that would have been more then half of my allotted daily points. Did I need the cake? No. Did I want the cake? Yes and I would choose to eat it. Now I look in the cabinet, see the cupcakes up on the top shelf and decide it is not worth it.  Do I still want it? Yes I do. So breakfast this morning the boy wanted french toast, but he also requested a fruit smoothy, which made me very happy! So I made the french toast. I LOVE french toast. I wanted some and the dripping butter on top and syrup (sugar free though) made me take 1 bite, maybe 2 ;-) But then I handed it over and said to myself that I was ok without. I did not need it. My body needs fruits, veggies, fiber and eggs. So I made myself eggbeater scrambled eggs, a side of cottage cheese (which I love thanks to Mend-a-body) and small side of grapes with a big glass of water. Water is a whole other subject for me!

On any given day before Mend-a-Body, I would wake up and tip the 2 liter of Coke Zero first thing in the morning. I love diet soda. I still do. I don't have a coffee addiction. I don't like hot drinks. But I love me some soda!  I have not completely given up my diet soda. Instead of choosing that piece of cake as a treat, I like to choose some diet soda. I drink water 90 percent of the time, but on occasion I do let myself have a little treat. It's been a hard transition for me and I miss it... A LOT. But I will live.  Anyone who knows me knows I hate water. Its boring, its tasteless, its not anything like soda! But it is sooooo much better for me, my body needs it, my kidneys need it, I need it to help me lose weight. So I do add some crystal light in on occasion, but I prefer Mio, I can control how much I add, it doesn't have that nasty fake taste and I also like to drink my water with a straw. For some reason it goes down easier and faster. It's the little things I suppose! lol Please don't go off on me about artificial sweeteners blah blah. I know I know, but guess what? Everything we seem to ingest or enjoy is going to kill us, so I give up!!

Not sure how many of you out there prepare your meals in advance or at least for the next day, but that works for me. We are having friends over for dinner tonight and we are having Chili, cornbread, baked potatoes and salad. Almost all things NOT MAB approved. But I will make do. I will pick out "most" of the beans for me, a few of them are not the end of the world and it will be a small serving,  I will skip the potatoes and cornbread, which are my FAVORITE by the way and I will eat salad and drink plenty of water due to the salt in the chili. Eeeks I am also making brownies for dessert. These things will not help me reach my goals so I will avoid them. Will I avoid them the rest of my life? Probably not, I will have them in moderation one day, but for now I have a 40 lb goal to reach and I can live without those food.

So for lunch I am having a Turkey Burger with a slice of cheese on top, with a side of sauteed mushrooms and onions and my favorite side dish, Brussel Sprouts sliced in half, baked with a little salt and sugar free maple syrup for 40 minutes. Did I mention I detested Brussel sprouts before??? Yup I did, would not touch them with a 10 foot pole. Now I can't get enough of them!!

Before I wrap it up, I just looked over at Ronan's breakfast, he drank all his smoothie, ate all his yogurt, picked at the french toast and asked for 2nds on the smoothie. I would prefer him to eat healthy, but I don't push it as he is a picky eater as is. Without even trying,  my healthy habits are rubbing off and that makes me happy.

Enjoy your day everyone!!

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